Balancing the Books

Many of the States’ expenditure budgets have been set up and allowed to roll unchanged or without review.

Public sector pensions, for example, are unsustainable in their present form thus ensuring that our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will be lumbered with increasing tax to pay.

Overseas Aid

Having previously highlighted the use of taxpayers money in Overseas Aid in many areas that were not accountable, and without measurable results we asked about how Aid is distributed under the Freedom of Information Act.   The FOA does not cover the Overseas Aid department, however, Mr. Simon Boas the new CEO of Jersey Overseas Aid invited us to meet to discuss their strategy and objectives.

We visited Mr. Boas on Friday October 5th 2018 and were very pleased to learn that Jersey Overseas Aid has moved from a “Confetti System” (small amounts in many locations) to focused aid with measurable impact results.  We look forward to following their progress in the years to come.  Well done Jersey Overseas Aid!

War on Waste

Taxpayers feel millions are still being squandered.  JTA will turn up the pressure on Government at all levels to remind them they have a duty of care with taxpayers’ money.

Consultants’ fees

What is the true purpose of these, to provide cover for politicians or to establish best value routes?  Why, given that Jersey has many residents who have made their fortunes in various relevant fields, do we always seek advice off-Island without first seeking home resident sourced advice?


We will welcome and confidentially investigate whistleblowers’ reports.