Amongst others, Roger M. Bale, felt that confidence in the States appears to have reached a low in the Public opinion. The States Members were not vigorous enough in examining projects and States expenditure. Put another way, States members gave the impression that they were preoccupied with spending taxpayers’ money not saving it as evidenced by black holes and non-replies by Ministers to questions from the public.
Was Health Minister Andrew Green ever questioned in the States as to why he had recently spent £2,000,000 on overseas consultants regarding the location of the new hospital? He spent this money with a result that appears no different to the location recommendation, which had already been paid for and presented to the States on September 5th 2014. The £2,000,000 could have purchased medical equipment for which there is a current patient waiting list. Roger therefore resolved to do something about it and has founded The Jersey Taxpayers’ Alliance, provided it with £10,000 start-up capital and £40,000 to provide a startup base and staff.
JTA is modeled on the UK Tax Payers’ Alliance and is seeking supporters and volunteers help with research and communication as well as creating the following teams:
- Leadership Team
- Research Team
- Campaign Team
So as to ensure the JTA has a team to see it into the future. We also welcome donations from the public.